summer hairstyle

Your Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Hair this Summer

April 18, 2024

hair styles

When it comes to stylish techniques, one of the biggest pieces of advice is to use heat, like curling irons. Now, this is totally true, but too much heat can be a really bad thing. It’s not just direct heat from hair appliances that can damage hair. Believe it or not, even the sun can do some damage, especially in the warmer months. 

Just think about it for a moment; from dryness and frizz to sun damage and breakage, the effects of summer can wreak havoc on our locks. That’s something that no one wants to deal with, right? But you really have to keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be some issue that you deal with every summer. Actually, it comes down to just hair care. 

Chances are, you’ve already been taking good care of your hair, but you might want to take extra care of your hair in the summer’s heat. But of course, it's not just how you care for your hair, as the right precautions matter, too. You deserve to keep it feeling completely healthy, hydrated, and fabulous all summer long, too. But where exactly do you start?

Why Does the Summer Damage Your Hair?

From dryness and frizz to breakage and dullness, our hair seems to bear the brunt of the summer heat. But why does this happen? Unless you have an extremely extensive hair care regimen, this is usually what happens to most people. But why exactly?

UV Rays

One of the main culprits behind summer hair damage is the sun's powerful UV rays. Just like your skin, your hair can suffer from sunburn – yes, you read that right! UV rays can penetrate the hair shaft, causing it to become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. You can expect that prolonged exposure to the sun can also lead to color fading and a loss of moisture, leaving your hair looking dull and lifeless.

Heat and Humidity

Have you ever been outside on a hot and humid day, and your hair immediately started having a bad hair day? These hot and humid days usually cause frizziness, unruly hair, and difficult-to-manage hair. It’s a hassle, right? Well, here’s a reason for this. It doesn’t really matter what hair type you have; all hair types usually deal with this. 

Basically, high temperatures can cause your hair cuticles to swell, allowing moisture to penetrate the hair shaft and leading to frizz and puffiness. Humidity can also cause your hair to lose its shape and style more quickly, leaving you with a constant battle to keep your locks looking sleek and smooth.

Chlorine and Saltwater

So this one is a known fact. Sure, beachy waves can be super adorable, but salt, especially chlorine, isn’t good for your hair. That doesn’t mean you should skip doing water activities. After all, it's summer, so you should enjoy it while you have the chance! You just need to be aware of the damaging effects of chlorine and saltwater on your hair. 

Chlorine can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it feeling dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Saltwater, on the other hand, can have a similar effect, causing your hair to become dehydrated and rough to the touch. You can either wear a cap or just put your hair up and not dive into the water (don’t get your hair wet), as these can help. 

Over Washing and Over Styling

During the summer months, most folks tend to wash their hair more frequently to combat sweat and oil buildup. However, over-washing can strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and damage. It’s what people get wrong; while too much natural oils in your hair can be a bad thing, so can too little from the cleansing. Similarly, excessive heat styling can cause damage to your hair, especially when combined with the drying effects of the summer sun. So, just try to limit washing and styling to every other day and opt for heat-free hairstyles whenever possible.

summer hair frizzle

Lack of Protection

This might be the biggest one that people get wrong, and it’s mostly because there just isn’t much buzz about it. Just like your skin needs sunscreen, your hair needs protection from the sun's harmful UV rays. Wearing a hat or scarf when you're outdoors for extended periods can help shield your locks from damage while using hair products with built-in UV protection can provide an extra layer of defense.

How Can You Protect Your Hair?

It was mentioned just right that wearing hats and scarves in the blazing summer heat will do the trick. That’s completely true, but it doesn’t end there either. There are a few more things that you should consider when it comes to protecting your hair. 

Do You Know Your Hair Type?

If you want to properly take care of your hair this summer, well, forever, you need to know your hair type so you know the exact way it needs to be taken care of. For example, you think you might have straight hair when in fact, you’re needing 2c curly hair products for your hair. Different hair types have varying levels of resilience and susceptibility to damage from heat and UV rays, so knowing your hair type allows you to tailor your hair care routine accordingly. 

Here’s another example: fine hair. Many heat-protective products are heavy, but fine hair needs lightweight products so the strands won't weigh down. Similar to thick or coarse hair, you may need more intensive hydration and heat protection to combat dryness and frizz. It’s all going to vary heavily, which is exactly why you need to know your hair type. 

Keep Hydrating

 Just like your skin, your hair needs hydration to stay healthy and strong. The summer heat can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. The same applies to your skin, and really, the only way to combat dryness is by hydrating your hair from the inside out. Drink plenty of water to keep your body and hair hydrated, and use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to lock in moisture and nourish your strands.

Use UV Protection

It’s usually best to use hats and scarves, but sometimes, they just don’t go with outfits. So, another option would be to use SPF for your hair. Usually, one or two sprays throughout the day are enough. 

Avoid Heat Styling

While it may be tempting to reach for your flat iron or curling wand to style your hair, excessive heat styling can cause damage and breakage, especially in the summer months when your hair is already more vulnerable to damage from the sun and heat. Embrace your natural texture and opt for heat-free hairstyles like braids, buns, or beachy waves. If you must use heat styling tools, use a heat protectant spray to minimize damage, and always use the lowest heat setting possible.

Stick with Cold Water

Who doesn’t love a hot shower? While yes showers may feel relaxing, they can strip your hair of its natural oils and leave it feeling dry and frizzy. Instead, rinse your hair with cool water to help seal the hair cuticle and lock in moisture. This will leave your hair looking shiny and smooth while lessening the chance of frizz and flyaways. Besides, cold water keeps you cooler in the summer and more eco-friendly too.

Deep Condition Regularly

Conditioner during your shower time isn’t always enough, so it’s really going to help to incorporate deep conditioning. It doesn’t need to be every time you’re in the shower, but incorporating it more is a good idea. 

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