college life

Succeeding in College | Important Lifestyle Tips

November 24, 2020

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Most students find college life hectic and stressful. With so many assignments, hectic schedules, and limited finances, maintaining the best lifestyle can be challenging. Many students are dropping out of college because they are overwhelmed, while others develop bad behaviors that lead to adverse mental and physical health outcomes. Many students find that they are exposed to a strange living arrangement upon joining college, while issues like homesickness and adaptation challenges emerge. The good news is that will proper planning, you can live a healthy lifestyle and thrive in college, even if you are operating with a tight budget. Here are some notable lifestyle tips to help you thrive during your time in college.

  • Observe a Healthy Diet

One of the most important lifestyle habits you can develop as a college student relates to what you eat. Many students struggle to keep up with the hectic college life because they don’t consume the right nutrition. As a result, overweight and obesity cases are on the rise, with complications like hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, also showing a sharp increase.

Please understand that what you eat affects not only your physical health but can also have an impact on your emotional and mental health. Research shows that some nutrients are important for the optimal functioning of the human brain. For the sake of your health and academic performance, you need to watch what you eat.

The main challenge students face when it comes to observing a healthy diet is limited finances. In truth, however, it is possible, with proper planning, to eat healthily even on a tight budget. Choose your food carefully, making sure that the three main nutrient categories are covered. Also, be watchful of your portions and prefer fruits and vegetables in your diets. Avoid processed foods and fizzy drinks when selecting food options.

Most importantly, try planning for your meals to allow you to make rational choices. In finances are an issue, you should consider sources of money, including getting a part-time job. An option is to write essays for money online.

  • Incorporate Exercise in Your Routine

Exercise is just an important lifestyle habit as choosing what to eat. In most cases, sedentary lifestyles play a big role in the recent surges in obesity and overweight among college students. One of the main reasons people gain weight is when they consume more calories than they expend. However, exercise should not just be for weight management. Research shows that being physically active is important for stress relief as well as for fighting some diseases.

We understand that, given your hectic schedule in college, finding time for exercise can be a problem. However, note that physical activity does not necessarily mean joining a gym. Even taking walks around campus, taking the stairs, or riding a bike can be enough exercise. Just make sure to incorporate exercise as part of your daily routine. 

tired college student

  • Always Get Enough Sleep

With many assignments to complete within short deadlines, there are times when you will feel the urge to pull all-nighters. While missing sleep may not do much harm once in a while, chronic sleep deprivation can have serious physical and mental health implications. Human bodies function through a circadian rhythm, which, when interrupted, exposes us to various health risks. Other than increasing health risks, sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and diminished focus that can harm your academic performance. Sleeping is also an important way to rejuvenate after a long and busy day. It is important, therefore, to have at least eight hours of sleep every day. Avoid studying on your bed, as this could affect your ability to fall asleep.

  • Drink Lots of Water

Water is critical for life, and you can never take too much of it. Taking water is critical for hydration and freshness and helps to keep your skin healthy. To keep healthy, make drinking lots of water an important aspect of your lifestyle. Try to take about eight glasses of water each day as it helps with your digestion, hydration, and other important bodily functions.

  • Manage Stress

The pressure to keep up with the rigors of college life can have a toll on your mental health. There are many expectations in terms of your academic performance as well as in extracurricular activities. Other stressors include financial limitations and relationship issues. While some degree of stress is a normal component of how we react to events and uncertainties, chronic stress can have serious implications for our mental and physical health. Work on building social support systems by creating friendships and keeping in touch with your family. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you ever feel overwhelmed.

  • Use Devices Wisely

Much has been said about phones and computers altering how people sleep and live. On the other hand, such devices help people communicate, work efficiently, and improve their health through activity tracking apps. 

As a college student, you know the importance of owning a computer for school and life in general. With so many types, models, brands, and features, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. 

Surely, productive and mindful use of gadgets makes for a better campus life. 

College life may be challenging and hectic, but it is possible to manage it and even thrive in the long-term. Plan well, eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and have enough sleep.

Guest Post by: Jody Binge

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